
Setup Data Output Location

The first configuration step is to determine the location for the monitoring data. You have three options:

Output Data to InfluxDB

To output monitoring data to InfluxDB, you need to “Start and Login to the Solace PubSub+ Monitor”, “Open the RTView Configuration Application” to configure connections to Solace Brokers, then “Create Database and User Account”.

Create Database and User Account

This section assumes you have already configured connections to your Solace Brokers using the RTView Configuration Application.

To send monitoring data to InfluxDB you edit the file, located in the Data Collector directory, define the metrics to poll and store, and specify the IP address and port number on the InfluxDB platform.

  1. Create a database and a user with read and write privileges in your InfluxDB platform using the following InfluxDB shell commands:

    create database yourSolaceStatsDB

    use yourSolaceStatsDB

    create user SolaceStatsUser with password ‘yourPwdWithSingleQuotes’ with all privileges grant all on yourSolaceStatsDB to SolaceStatsUser exit

  2. Edit the file, located in the directory where the data server will be started.

  3. Enable InfluxDB Tap by commenting out the following line: TAP_PLUGIN_CLASS = and uncomment the line:

    TAP_PLUGIN_CLASS = com.solace.psg.enterprisestats.receiver.influxdb.InfluxDBStatsTap This enables the plugin to send monitoring data to InfluxDB.


    Note: At present, there is no option to send monitoring data to both InfluxDB and PubSub+ Monitor. To revert back to collect all caches and send data to the PubSub+ Monitor, uncomment the RTViewStatsTap line and comment out the InfluxDBStatsTap line. Also revert DB_FIELD_SUBSCRIPTIONS to its initial value (DB_FIELD_SUBSCRIPTIONS =\ which means the filter passes everything, as appropriate for the PubSub+ Monitor).


  4. Select the list of topics identifying the fields to write to InfluxDB by copying the list of topics in the DB_FIELD_SUBSCRIPTIONS property. These topics are semicolon separated and multiple lines are identified by "\" at the end of the topic. Initially you can choose from the examples that are provided in the file itself. For example:


    SYSTEM_CONFIG-SYNC/authentication/client-certificate/max-certificate-chain-depth;\ SYSTEM_MEMORY/subscription-memory-usage-percent;\

    SYSTEM_MEMORY/physical-memory-usage-percent;\ SYSTEM_MEMORY/slot-infos/*/nab-buffer-load-factor;\ SYSTEM_STATS_CLIENT/>;\ SYSTEM_STATS_NEIGHBOR/>;\ SYSTEM_CSPF_NEIGHBOR_STATS/>;\




    Refer to Solace documentation for the complete list of metrics that can be requested.

  5. Add the connection properties to InfluxDB by scrolling down to the Influx DB Properties section in the file and defining the following:

You should now see monitoring data being stored in the InfluxDB database. If you encounter issues, check the log files in the RTViewSolaceMonitor/projects/rtview-server/log directory for errors and verify that InfluxDB is available and running.

You have completed configuring data collection! There are no other required configurations.

Output Data to Solace Broker

To send monitoring data to a Solace Broker do the following. The files you edit are located in the rtvapm/solmon/bin/config directory. No other configuration steps than those provided here are needed to output monitoring data to a Solace Broker. Refer to Solace documentation for additional information about the available message formats you can choose for sending the data.

  1. Define the Solace Brokers to monitor by editing the appliance_config_demo.xml file (this adds connection properties to the monitored Solace Brokers). This Step is required.

  2. If the data to be polled isn't already defined in the preconfigured XML files or you need additional poller groups for different monitoring options, do the following:

  3. Start StatsPump as follows:

In a Windows command prompt or UNIX terminal, go to the RTViewSolaceMonitor/ rtvapm directory and execute rtvapm_init.bat (Windows) or (UNIX).

Change directory (cd) to rtvapm/solmon/bin directory and execute the following in the order provided (if you change the order it will not execute properly):

[statspump|statspump.bat] config\pollers_sl.xml config\groups_sl.xml config\appliance_config_demo.xml

You should now see published monitoring data in the receiving Solace Broker.

You have finished configuration instructions to send monitoring data to a Solace Broker!