This section describes the required configurations as well as the optional configurations available for the Solution Package for Oracle WebLogic in the RTView Configuration Application. You must define the classpath to the Oracle WebLogic jar files and you must also define data source connections for each connection that you want to monitor.
To configure data collection:
- By default, collecting auxiliary caches, bridge destinations, JMS persistent stores, JMS servers, servlets, and work managers data is disabled. To enable collecting this data, navigate to the RTView Configuration Application > RTView DataServer for Oracle > Solution Package Configuration > Oracle WebLogic > DATA COLLECTION tab > Metric Selection section and enable the metrics for which you want to collect data.
- When enabling Bridge Destinations, enter the JNDI URL (which appears after enabling the toggle). When enabling JMS Servers, specify the Runtime Filter (*, which means no filter, is the default) if you want to limit the collection of data to specific JMS Servers. When enabling Servlets, specify the Servlet Pattern to limit the collection of data to specific servlets (*, which means no filter, is the default for ApplicationRuntime and ServerRuntime).