Exporting a Dashboard to Run Locally
Note: This document continues the flow from the Publishing Your Dashboard in RTView Cloud document. Prior to completing the steps in this document, you should have already completed steps in the Building Your First Display and Dashboard in RTView Cloud and Publishing Your Dashboard in RTView Cloud documents.
Note: You must have Apache Tomcat (or another web server) installed on your machine prior to completing this flow.
View the video or the documentation below:
If you want to display your dashboard internally using a web server like Apache Tomcat rather than through RTView Cloud, you can export your dashboard to your local directory, copy the contents of your dashboard to a new directory that you create in Apache Tomcat, and then view your dashboard via an internal URL. To view your dashboard locally:
Click the Publish tab in RTView Cloud.
The Dashboard List page displays.
In the row for your dashboard, click the icon in the Download column, and select the Get Displays Locally option.
Your displays are saved to a zip file containing an index.html file and the assets and displays directories.
Open Windows Explorer, navigate to your tomcat/webapps directory, and create a new directory called MyDashboard (or whatever you want to name the directory).
Extract your MyDashboard1.zip file and copy and paste the contents from the zip file into the tomcat/MyDashboard directory.
Open a command window, navigate to your tomcat/bin directory, and type startup.
The Apache Tomcat web server starts running.
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:<port>/MyDashboard/index.html (the example below uses port 8086).
Your display opens in your browser.