Release Notes

Release Notes

RTView Cloud updates every second Monday. On this page you can find brief descriptions of the new features introduced and bugs that have been fixed.

Most recent release notes at the top:

Click to expand:

 RTView Cloud 1.49.0 - 13 February 2020

New Features


The button labeled Refresh has been removed from the Attach to Function dialog and the Attach to Variable dialog, where it was non-functional. The button is still present on the Attach to Cache dialog, where it works as intended.

The Display Settings dialog no longer shows an asterisk in the title bar after making a change and clicking Apply. Now the asterisk is cleared after the user clicks Apply as expected, indicating that the changes have been applied to the display.

When a new object is dragged from the palette and over the display area, it is no longer possible to open the context menu by right-clicking before dropping the object onto the display.

 RTView Cloud 1.48.0 - 27 January 2020

New Features

The table object now allows the user to save runtime changes made to a table's column settings. The column settings are sort, filter, order, width, and visibility.
Clicking on Settings > Save All from the dropdown column menu on any column will save the current table settings in the browser's local storage. The saved settings will be applied to the table each time the same user opens that same display in the same browser on the same device.
Clicking on Settings > Clear All will clear the table's custom settings and reset the column settings to the default.
The settings are stored in the browser's local storage, using a unique key created by combining the user name, the display name, and the table object's id. In RTView Cloud, the current organization and the display's owner name are also included in the key.

1) The columns may not be restored to their saved widths if extra space is available in the table, they may be wider.
2) In previous releases some column settings (sort, filter, visibility) on the Alert tab were preserved automatically during a browser session. But those were not stored permanently and not all of the settings were recorded. That automatic feature has been removed. So now on the Alert tab, click Settings > Save All in the column menu after making any column changes you want to preserve.


Adding items to a group object should now function without issues.

Fixed an issue with moving objects using click and drag inside Group objects without a layout.

If a display contains an object with a data attachment to an unknown data server (e.g. "X") the error message in the browser's javascript console will be as follows:
"unknown server name X in query URL: X/cache/..."
In prior releases, the error message was "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' ", which was not helpful.

 RTView Cloud 1.47.0 - 16 January 2020

New Features

Several filtering options have been added to the Alerts History Table display.


Labels on the Overview page have been edited for clarity.

 RTView Cloud 1.46.0 - 02 January 2020

New Features

A new option has been added to the Export function in RTDraw: a checkbox labeled 'Export with Assets' which allows the user to export selected displays with all their assets.


The terms and conditions page previously did not load when the site was accessed using HTTPS. The terms and conditions page now loads correctly over HTTP and HTTPS.

The expired flag and time stamp columns have been added to the reduced version of the All Brokers Table.

Previously there was a bug that prevented the tutorial video on the components page from being shown. We are now loading it in a modal that can be activated when you click on the link.

 RTView Cloud 1.45.1 - 11 December 2019

New Features


A bug was fixed that resulted in asset downloads failing for private and public files in the asset manager.

 RTView Cloud 1.45.0 - 10 December 2019

New Features


A problem has been fixed where the cache table display could show empty space around the upper table.

Infinite loop now fixed on login of certain users with expired subscriptions.

The TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Table was showing zero values for the Processes columns. This has been corrected.

Some of the TIBCO BusinessEvents component displays had an incorrect number of decimal places for some of the metrics. This has been corrected.

The Icon to dismiss the navigation panel on iOS and Android is no longer partially hidden.

Removed all palettes related to BPMN.

We are now correctly handling large dashboards during export.

For the alert KafkaBrokerNetProcAvgIdlePctHigh the drilldown from the alert table to the corresponding Broker display did not work. This has been corrected.

 RTView Cloud 1.44.0 - 25 November 2019

New Features

The Subscription Cancellation modal is now closed appropriately.

All tables in EMS displays are by default sorted by the index columns.


Updated settings to send all emails from the same domain to avoid invites being intercepted by spam prevention.

TimeRange and QueryInterval values are now undefined in JSON when they are the default value.

Show in JSON option no longer appears in context menu when invoked in a blank area after copying an object.

Subscription list is now correctly populated.

On the Users admin page, the Cancel button on the disable confirmation message is now working correctly.

The download menu on the Publish table is no longer cut off when the table is filtered.

Previously the dashboard list would scroll to the top when the user closed the Edit Dashboard dialog overlay. This has been fixed so that the list remains focused on the dashboard the user was editing.

 RTView Cloud 1.43.1 - 12 November 2019

New Features


Drilldowns from the Key Metrics displays for TIBCO BusinessWorks and Oracle Coherence did not set the substitutions correctly on the components displays. They were instead just set to the first item in each dropdown list. This has now been fixed.

A double click on a row or tile in a Key Metrics display no longer causes RTView Cloud to navigate to the home page and instead functions the same as a single click, drilling down to the CI display as expected.

 RTView Cloud 1.43.0 - 11 November 2019

New Features

The Field Editor for object scripts now uses the same style format as the Edit JSON window.

IBM MQ Topic And Subscription Displays (Tables, Heatmaps and Summaries) have been added.


TIBCO BusinessWorks 5 Engines, Processes and Activities tables now have an Expired column.

On component displays, table objects will now shrink appropriately when the user shrinks the browser window. Previously they did not shrink vertically.

All TIBCO BusinessWorks 5 tables and heatmaps are now sorted by their index columns.

Responsive resizing of trend graphs has been improved.

Number of alerts shown in alert pill indicators have been fixed in IBM MQ solution package.

In a situation where all BusinessWorks 5 engines being monitored were stopped when the RTView dataserver was started, the All Engines table would be blank. This has been fixed.

 RTView Cloud 1.42.0 - 29 October 2019

New Features

Two Apache Kafka displays have been modified to use new caches.
The Kafka Single Broker Summary display now uses history from the new KafkaServerMetrics cache.
The Kafka Single Topic Summary, which previously allowed selection of different averages (1 minute, 5 minutes, etc.) via a "Rate" dropdown, now displays history from the new KafkaServerTopicMetrics cache, and the Rate dropdown has been removed.

An argument named nullOK has been added to the joinOuter function. The default value is blank.
If nullOK is set to true or 1 the joinOuter result is updated when data is applied to either leftTable or rightTable, rather than waiting until data is applied to both tables. This is useful in the case where one of the table arguments is attached to a cache that may not exist.
If nullOK is blank or set to any other value, the function result is updated only when data has been applied to both leftTable and rightTable, as in prior releases.

The display named "Kafka Single Broker Topics Summary" has been renamed to "Kafka Single Broker Topics Table".

"Show in JSON" option has been implemented in the context menu for Links and Objects. Links can now be deleted through the context menu.
When opening Edit JSON through the context menu, we're passing parameters in the URL to point at a specific object. If the object does not exist it will scroll to the top.

The Column Selector now has the ability to search for a specific column. The column list is filtered as the user types characters into the search field, with matching characters highlighted in red. The search filter can be removed with the X icon.

New Heatmap and Table displays for TIBCO BusinessWorks Hosts have been added. These show information about the systems on which the Hawk agents are running.


An issue with Multiselect in the Filter Selector has been fixed. It will now forget the last clicked value after changing columns.

The edit button for the Filter on the Attach Cache (Advanced) and Attach to Function modals is now only enabled if a valid table is defined.

A problem with dragging nodes from the palette onto the canvas on the Edge browser has been fixed.

Fixed an issue where the unsaved changes asterisk was not appearing after deleting certain items on a display.
Fixed an issue where Properties Sheet and Palettes were cut off on the bottom of the screen, and the status bar footer wasn't appearing.

A problem has been fixed which caused wrapping and clipping of text in the title area on narrow screens, especially mobile devices.

A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused IT Component objects to make data server queries with invalid URLs.

There was an issue with returning the correct display if more than one display shared the same name. This has been fixed.

There was an exception when viewing a dashboard that contained multiple displays that shared a name. This has been fixed, and now displays that share a name but not an owner should display on the same dashboard without issues.

Removed an unnecessary vertical scrollbar from exported dashboards.

When viewing dashboards on iOS devices, the hamburger icon will now no longer move on scroll.

Incorrect or missing tooltip text was corrected on multiple Apache Kafka displays.

The Expired column has been added to the small version of the Solace Clients Table.

Drilling down from the TIBCO BusinessWorks 5 Processes table now correctly sets the filters on the TIBCO BusinessWorks 5 Process Summary.

The CPU% metric cards on the BW5 Engine, Process, and Server Summaries had incorrect decimal formats. This has been corrected.

 RTView Cloud 1.41.0 - 15 October 2019

New Features

In the ‘Filter columns by’ table in the Filter Selector, columns names will now have sticky position, and the active column will have an underline.

Filter Columns Values modal has been enhanced. Users can now add or remove values by double clicking the value.

IT Components objects were replaced with images and hover text was improved.

Attach to Cache Advanced modal inputs without dropdown will receive dropdown with variables if cursor is after dollar sign.

Add an improved way of representing palettes using HTML instead of canvas.


The context menu for metric objects now includes the Variable item in the Attach to Data submenu. Previously you could attach a metric object to a variable using the dropdown list in the Data/Value item in the property sheet, but the same operation was not possible from the context menu.

A problem with the 'Attach to Cache Data - Advanced' dialog has been fixed which sometimes incorrectly made the attachment behave as though the user had selected the Query Interval = once option.

In 'Variables for...' modal there should no longer be [object Object] inside inputs if we type in some object e.g. "{"a":"b"}".

Filter Selector for Attach to Function should now properly fetch values columns which have them.

Now Filter Column and Filter Value will validate inputs the same way in Attach to Cache Advanced Modal and Attach to Function Modal.

 RTView Cloud 1.40.0 - 02 October 2019

New Features

Now when any changes have been made in the Filter Selector an asterisk will be raised. Upon leaving modal without saving or applying changes it will ask the user if they would like to discard changes.

Now while adding a new column in the Filter Column field, a semicolon will be added at the end of Filter Value unless the column will be the same.
In the Filter Value field if the last character is a comma or a semicolon then values from the dropdown will be added without a comma before them.

In the ‘Variables for…’ dialog, selecting a variable will not automatically focus the window any longer, so it will not scroll whole modal.

Added lines to Summary Values in Filter Selector to indicate which value is part of which column.
Custom values are lighter.

The Alert History table now uses the 'Extend by SQL' mechanism to make older records available to the user.

Now when the Add Function modal is opened, an error about empty name does not occur until the user selects a function or begins to fill out the other fields.

Advanced Cache modal will expand ""More options"" automatically when any of those fields are filled out.
It also supports the default values, so if the user leaves any of these fields blank the default values will be present upon returning to the modal.

Now all buttons in modals will have minimal width of 70px.

Text in button in File → Open was changed from ‘Load’ to ‘Open’.

Added a 'Clear' button to component alert displays, allowing users to manually clear an alert.


A problem has been fixed which broke exported dashboards, when the 'local' option was selected.

Filter Selector for Attach to Function modal should now work the same as in Cache (Advanced)

A typo has been corrected in the tooltip of a metric card in TIBCO BusinessEvents Cluster Summary display.

A problem has been fixed that sometimes caused the advanced table object to randomly hide and show the paging controls on updates if the table's height was small.
The paging controls are still automatically hidden or shown as needed if there are multiple pages of rows. If the table's height is less than 72 pixels, the paging controls are always hidden.

In trend graphs, time gaps are detected and the trend line is discontinued when there is a specific period of time without data. Now that period is adjusted depending on the time range that is being shown in the graph.

Oxford comma has been added to browser support warning message.

In the Assets section, we are now differentiating files from folders with icons.

Fixed an issue where list type dashboards at certain resolutions would display below the navigation.

Fixed an issue with zoom on iOS devices

We now show an error message when trying to sign up for a free trial with an existing account.

 RTView Cloud 1.39.1 - 23 September 2019

New Features


Opening a file owned by another user now works to return the correct file.

Get Displays Locally option for Dashboard Export is now fixed. This was due to a regression.

 RTView Cloud 1.39.0 - 16 September 2019

New Features

The Alert History table now uses the 'Extend by SQL' mechanism to make older records available to the user.

The Filter Selector is now available for general use.
The Attach to Cache (Advanced) modal Filter section now has an Edit button which opens the Filter Selector.
The Filter selector lets users manage their filter columns and values in an easier way.

MQ Channels table has been rearranged to show the Broker column at the left.

Users can now be invited to organizations by User Admins.


The sql.query function's timeout argument now works properly. Previously it was ignored and a timeout of 15 seconds was always used.

Fixed an issue which caused the link type dropdown to cover the Info group on the properties sheet in RTDraw.

Message ‘Could not retrieve palettes’ is now translated.

The TIBCO ActiveSpaces > Single Grid Summary > Up Time value and associated tooltip were not correct. This has been fixed.

A bug in the Attach to Cache (advanced) dialog has been fixed. Previously the Values dropdown in the Filter section would incorrectly show values from the cache table's first column if the filter Column was set to a variable (e.g. $X) whose value was blank or a number. Now it will correctly show 'No items available'.

All Data Server dropdowns now correctly display the down arrow on all browsers.

Drill down from MQ Queues table has been fixed. Now the target display shows the right queue.

Titles of service displays have been renamed from 'State' to 'Stats'.

The warning message when disabling a user now correctly displays the users name.

Navigating through nested folders in the right panel of the Assets section will now update the nav tree in the left panel.

Scrolling is now fixed on mobile simple exported dashboards.

Columns in tables have been rearranged to move Expired and Time Stamp to the far right.

In some cases, the Add Comment button in the Alerts table failed to enable. This has been fixed.

Formatting issues are now resolved at smaller breakpoints.

 RTView Cloud 1.38.0 - 04 September 2019

New Features

Added shortcut ‘Ctrl+Alt+R’(windows), '⌘⌥R'(mac) to reload display.


A problem has been fixed in the Attach to Cache Data (Advanced) dialog which prevented the user from entering anything in the Filter Values field if the server reported no values in the selected filter column.

Validation on the Filter Value field has been improved to allow trailing semicolons to remain. Validation will still remove any duplicate semicolons or commas, and any trailing commas.

Fixed bug with Filter Column and Filter Value where simple objects didn't have the option to add more than one value.

The Filter Value dropdown in the Data Attachment dialog has been improved to display "No items available" if the column doesn't exist or if no values exist.

The logo in the header is no longer a link for users who have a disabled account or their trial is expired. In addition, if the user attempts to type `/rtview` into their browser, it will not load that and will direct them back to the disabled page.

Some heatmaps used to show the wrong colors in Microsoft Edge. This has been fixed.

Improved Refresh Data button in the Data Attachment dialog so that the data is refreshed without needing to close and reopen the dialog.

Fixed Aspect Ratio toggle is now properly respected when manually typing in a Width or Height value in the Properties Sheet.

A new column, "Quality", in the CI State Table display provides information about quality of data shown in each row.

Fixed an issue where users with expired subscriptions were getting redirected to the wrong page.

 RTView Cloud 1.37.0 - 16 August 2019

New Features

In the Package Overview displays, now the top 10 graph uses a fixed range of 0 to 100 when viewing a CPU% metric.


Selecting items in the Assets modal no longer throws errors in the console.

Packages are now being deleting correctly.

Multiple issues involving users sharing and deleting packages have been fixed

Disabled users can now see public dashboards.

Sorting now works on dashboards, dataservers, packages, and users

Filter clear button now works correctly on User Admin page.

On Firefox and Edge, the tops of certain dialogs could, in certain scrolled conditions, be clipped. This has been fixed.

The Export to Excel feature on tables now works in MS Edge browser.

The color range in heatmaps can now be affected by the alert settings for the alert associated to the current metric. When the Auto Scale checkbox is unselected, in some metrics we set the upper end of the color range to the alert threshold that was configured by the user.

 RTView Cloud 1.36.0 - 07 August 2019

New Features

Component Display navigation has been enhanced so that all displays in each section are listed in the dropdown navigation on displays in that section.

Calculated rates for Inbound/Outbound messages and bytes are exposed with three decimal digits to account for very low rates. When the rates are those provided by TIBCO the label of the metric explicitly says so.

A Solution Package for TIBCO ActiveSpaces version 4 and above has been added.

After importing a display, the post import report now contains clickable links for each imported display. Clicking the link will load the display.


A problem existed with some displays that used the Spline link layout type. After loading the display in RTDraw, the links would display incorrectly and would ignore any changes. This has been fixed.

A problem that prevented the first display to call the setProjectName function from properly displaying data from global functions defined in the rtvglobals file for that project has been fixed.

A drilldown from the RTView Data Servers Table will once again select the correct data server. In the previous release, the first data server in the list was always selected.

The table on the Data Servers display is now sorted by name of data server by default.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Application Summary and Application Node Summary displays have been enhanced to improve loading and customer experience.

Drilldowns from metric cards in TIBCO BusinessWorks Application Node Summary displays have been removed or fixed where applicable.

There was an issue with the Attach to Cache modal that caused its fields to be blank when viewed for the first time after opening the application. This has been fixed.

In RTDraw, moving two objects connected by a link now also moves the link, retaining its shape.

The undo function in RTDraw was not working correctly if the display had a fast refresh rate with a data-attached object. Undo will now work correctly and will revert the most recent change made by the user, ignoring any data updates that have also occurred since that change.

 RTView Cloud 1.35.0 - 22 July 2019

New Features

The following new alerts have been added to the Solace Monitor:
- SolBrokerNoValidDestination alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when invalid destinations in the broker exist (Delta of discard-nodest is non-zero).
- SolBrokerNoQueueFound alert, which which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are discarded queues in the broker (Delta of discard-queue-not-found is non-zero).
- SolEndpointNoBridgeClient alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when no binds for the Solace Endpoint exist (bind-count is zero).
- SolBrokerNoSubscriptionMatch alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are no current subscription matches (Delta of no-subscription-match is non-zero).
- SolEndpointNoBridgeTopic alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are no topics subscribed to the Queue (topic-subscription-count is zero).

Limitation of SolBrokerNoValidDestination, SolBrokerNoQueueFound and SolBrokerNoSubscriptionMatch Alerts:
The request XML is a system level request. The cloud logon credentials will not have permission to execute this request, so this alert will not be executed for Cloud Brokers.

RTDraw has been enhanced to support a new filter format. The simple string values 'filterColumns' and 'filterValues' support comma and semicolon separated values, which can passed from a variable. The old format of key-value pairs for each filter is still supported.

A new page has been added for Administrators to manage the users in the organization. Admins can change permissions and disable the access of other users in the org.


Unnecessary scrollbars were removed from Column Properties, Variables and Functions modals.

User can now define overrides for alerts KafkaBrokerProduceRequestsPerSecHigh and KafkaBrokerFetchRequestsPerSecHigh.

Scrollbars were removed from dropdowns if they are unnecessary.

Enhanced the palettes list in RTDraw to change the orientation of the caret character when a section is expanded or collapsed.

A problem existed where the Filter values on the Attach to Cache (Advanced) dialog were not being grayed out after deleting selected values in the Table and Column(s) dropdowns. This has been fixed.

Fixed multiple typos regarding the plural of the word "proxy".
Node Queues and Proxy Queues displays have been removed from navigation menu.

The Add Dashboard process now always starts in a fresh state, showing no traces of prior editing.

The Edit Dashboard dialog is now always visible when the dashboard table beneath it is scrolled.

Expired rows are now grayed out in all component displays with an applicable table.

The TIBCO BusinessWorks Application Node displays no longer include appnodes running without domain or appspace, which appear in the Container displays. The Container displays no longer include AppSpace but do include Container ID.

In Firefox, the Data Servers in the Data Servers dropdown on the Cache Table display were invisible. This has been fixed.

 RTView Cloud 1.34.1 - 11 July 2019

New Features


Fixed an issue where assets were not visible in the Asset browser in RTDraw.

 RTView Cloud 1.34.0 - 09 July 2019

New Features

"Refresh Cache Info" button has been added in the Data Attachment dialogs. The button allows the user ex. to reset the list of available caches for the particular server. The user must close and reopen the Data Attachment dialog after clicking the button to see the updated list.

A typo was fixed in the Application Node summary display

Display mode compatibility indicators have been added in Options -> Palettes menu.

In the Properties Sheet for RTDraw, the border of the title and the color of the section's background have been changed.

Key and Category have been moved out of the Object Group in the Properties Sheet and into the Info Group at the bottom of the list.


Improved the Asset download to avoid CORS errors when downloading image assets.

Delete button is now disabled for top level folders in the Assets section.

In View > Dashboards, List type dashboards now correctly show the expansion arrow for parent displays with long names, and the hover preview correctly truncates children displays with long names.

Typos in WebLogic display titles were corrected.

Exporting dashboards locally now only exports a single instance of a dashboard's display if there is a collision on display names. The owner's display gets the first slot. If there are two displays not owned by the owner with the same name, the first one in the list will be included.

 RTView Cloud 1.33.0 - 25 June 2019

New Features

Styling of the Public indicator in RTDraw has changed, and the display title is now centered.

An option 'Show Standby' has been added to filter the table and heatmap of Solace Brokers.

The Solace Bridge displays from the Solace Monitor have been updated to account for the replacement of calculated rates by those provided by Solace.
The following alerts have been updated to use the newly added metrics:

The Solace Client displays from the Solace Monitor have been updated to account for the replacement of calculated rates by those provided by Solace.
The following alerts have been updated to use the newly added metrics.

The Solace VPN displays from the Solace Monitor have been updated to account for the replacement of calculated rates by those provided by Solace.
The following alerts have been updated to use the newly added metrics:
SolVpnIn boundMsgRateHigh

Added ability to select variable names in Data Attachment dialogs. Typing a $ sign enables the options list.

Additions and deletions of elements are now reflected in the filter drop-downs of all Component Displays. By default, lists update once per minute.

Previous version of 'TIBCO ActiveSpaces' has been renamed to 'TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2'.


The table object now shows the correct data in each column after swapping the columns in its function data attachment.

RTDraw no longer crashes after swapping columns in a function attachment on a table object.

We are now utilizing a navigation scrollbar for list type dashboards with a long list when viewed under View > Dashboards.

Exported list type dashboards now have an independent scroll bar for the nav list if a lot of displays exist on the dashboard.

There is now a max-width applied to the sidebar hovers to ensure that child displays with a long name are truncated when hovering over the parent display in the nav list.

Removed an extra horizontal scrollbar that sometimes appeared in Locally exported dashboards.

A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused dropdown lists on Component displays to show no selection until after the first display refresh, even if a default item was selected automatically.

There is now a download button next to the copy button on the Assets page to allow users to easily download assets.

There is now a green alert that will appear for 2 seconds when the Copy button on the Assets page is clicked to indicate that it was copied successfully.

Fixed a bug where the org switch warning message was not appearing when the organization was changed in another browser tab.

The Assets section has been enhanced with 'Organization Files' and 'Public Files' root folders.

Queue Depth trend chart in the IBM MQ Overview display has been fixed and should now render quickly.

The Solace Broker Sensors display now enforces selection of a single Broker.

Reload works correctly after saving a version of another user's display.

 RTView Cloud 1.32.0 - 11 June 2019

New Features

A function named getTable has been added. It can be used to load a data table specified in JSON format from a URL or from a string. The function's arguments are:

source: The URL from which the data table should be loaded, or a string with the data table contents in JSON format.

interval: If source is a URL, the interval in seconds at which the URL should be read, or zero if it should be read just once. The default interval is 15 seconds. If source is a string then the interval argument is ignored.

headers: If source is a url, use this argument to specify any headers to be sent with the http GET request. For example: x-my-header:123

If multiple header name:value pairs are needed, use ; between them.

The JSON format for a data table is as follows:

"metadata": <array of column objects>,
"data": <array of data rows>

Each item in the column objects array is:

"name": "name of column",
"type": <column type>

The column types are "string", "integer", "float", "double", "boolean", and "date". An integer column should contain whole numbers. The float and double types are interchangeable, in both cases the column should contain floating point values. The values in a boolean column must be true or false. The values in a date column are expected to be integers, representing the number of milliseconds since 1970 as returned by the javascript Date.now() function call.
Each item in the data rows array is an array with one item for each column, where the type of the item corresponds to the column type.
No validation is performed on the table columns But if a column contains values that are not of the indicated type, unexpected results may occur if objects are attached to the getTable function.

Here is a simple example:

"metadata": [{
"name": "State",
"type": "string"

}, {
"name": "Abbrev",
"type": "string"

}, {
"name": "Year Admitted",
"type": "integer"

}, {
"name": "Coastal",
"type": "boolean"

"data": [
["Pennsylvania", "PA", 1787, false],
["California", "CA", 1850, true]

You can now scroll the sortable dashboard tree if you have more displays than will fit in that area.

The carets for top menus in RTDraw have been removed to reduce clutter.

An item has been added to the Image / Assets palette in RTDraw. It can be used to add an extern-image object to a display. The extern-image object has 2 advantages over the (standard) image object on that palette:
1) The extern-image supports animated GIF images
2) The extern-image can be stacked (in z-order) in front of other objects (charts, tables, etc).

When changing the image on an image object, the assets modal remembers where the previous image was.
In addition, the image URL in Edit JSON is now shorter.


The HTML UI now supports alert overrides for alerts with multiple indexes.

A few navigation and table format improvements have been applied to the NodeMon Solution Package.

Top level 'Docker Engines' menu entry has been renamed to 'Docker'.

Fixed an issue that prevented users from scrolling displays and dashboards on mobile devices.

There is now a hamburger menu for list type dashboards on mobile so users can easily access the nav.

Export button is disabled if no file is selected.

Fixed an issue where tables would occasionally go blank when clicking a row.

 RTView Cloud 1.31.0 - 28 May 2019

New Features

A variable named X with a tabular value can now be used in a data attachment by entering $X, and $X will be replaced by the value in the first table cell. Previously this only worked if X had a string, numeric, or boolean value.

The BW Hosts displays have been removed.

Column Chooser is now available on the Attach to Function dialog.

Users will now be able to change the size of link line arrowheads between ‘small’, ‘normal’, ‘big’, ‘large’.

The font used in the Edit JSON modal has been changed. Spaces between words are now bigger, and indentations are more pronounced.

Apply and OK buttons are now disabled when the user has text in Add+ field in Columns Selector.

User can now double click to move a column between Available Columns and Visible Columns in the Column Chooser.


Labels on trend chart in BW Overview display was corrected from 'Apps' to 'Active Processes' and from 'Created/s' to 'Created Processes/s'.

Fixed an issue in the Column Chooser where user could have an asterisk and a column both present in the Visible Columns list.

Logging out with unsaved changes will now always display confirmation message.

Fixed an issue with metrics and other extern objects that caused problems when using the Undo function.

An issue which showed the prompt about discarding changes when clicking cancel on certain modals has been fixed. The prompt will still appear when clicking outside the modal, but not when clicking the cancel button.

An issue has been fixed that erroneously showed an asterisk when opening the Variables display for the HTML Object, even when nothing had changed.

Locally Exported Dashboards have had their folder structure enhanced to support displays that have the same name but are owned by different users. Each display owner in the dashboard now has their own folder in the .zip.

 RTView Cloud 1.30.0 - 13 May 2019

New Features

Added a new promotional subscription for the IoT World show.

The BW Application Summary display was missing a dropdown for the Application Name. It has been added.

Selecting a filter that reduces the number of rows in the data table no longer shrinks the height of the table.

Date formats has been added in Column Properties.


A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused RTDraw to become unresponsive if the user manually typed a URL into the Source field of an extern-html object.

Colors of traces have changed in the BW Overview display.

Now BusinessWorks appears in the navigation menu above BusinessWorks 5 and not below.

Corrected typo in Components navigation tree for BW Solution Package.

A bug has been fixed which caused metric objects to make multiple, identical queries when attached to cache data.

Service Tables are now sorted by their index columns.

Corrected shortcut in Components display TIBCO ActiveSpaces Metaspaces Table.

A problem has been fixed in EMSMON where selecting an item in the Server dropdown list with a blank value caused the displays to behave as if Server = *

Corrected typo in the BE Inference Agents Table components display

Corrected typo in the BE Storage Node Summary components display.

Corrected typo in the BW Activities Table components display.

Some columns that represent a time duration in Component display tables can now be sorted by their numeric value, instead of their string value.

Browser warning no longer erroneously displays while using supported browsers on iPhone.

Exported local dashboard assets now always reference the local version.

Sorting a table by clicking on a column header no longer changes the number of visible rows in the table.

 RTView Cloud 1.29.1 - 29 April 2019

New Features


Fixed an issue where the Shared and Public checkboxes in the Edit Dashboard screen were switched.

 RTView Cloud 1.29.0 - 29 April 2019

New Features

Title of EMS Server Connections display has been corrected.

The Column Chooser now shows an asterisk in the header if there are unsaved changes. Clicking outside of the Column Chooser overlay with unsaved changes will now show a warning .

Multiple issues with the layout of the Column Chooser dialog have been fixed.

The Add Dashboard feature has been enhanced to allow for easier multiple-selection of displays, the ability to filter displays by user, and better error checking for the dashboard name field.

In the Publish Dashboard list, the user's scroll position will be maintained after editing or deleting a dashboard.

Timestamp columns in the advanced table can now be formatted using the same format strings supported by the date text object, for example DD-MMM-YYYY HH:mm:ss.S

When creating multi-display dashboards, the UI now offers a checkbox list, removing the need for CTRL keys to select multiple.


Title of BW Containers Heatmap display has been fixed.

A change to the Format property on a metric object will now be applied immediately in RTDraw. Previously it was not applied until the next data update,

A problem has been fixed on the trend chart which sometimes caused new data points to be plotted one update cycle later than expected.

The Download HTML Dashboard features have been moved from the Edit Dashboard dialog to the Publish (dashboard) list.

Invalid login credentials will once again show the appropriate message.

Size of dropdown icons have been reduced across the application. The Pencil icon in the Attach to Data dialog has also been reduced in size.

The "Visible columns" text should now truncate when the Column Chooser is reduced in size so the icons won't overlap text.

Now when reordering columns in the Column Chooser, columns no longer change background color and the cursor will stay the same.

Now sorting controls should appear only in the multiple columns mode of the Column Selector.

The Column Chooser interface has been improved to enable or disable controls based on items selected.

Two new Cache Services displays for the RTView Oracle Coherence Monitor have been added: Cache Service Detail and Service Metric Heatmap.

Typing in the source field for the HTML object is now handled more gracefully.

Fixed an issue where unsaved changes in RTDraw would be lost when navigating away while using the Firefox browser.

When deleting a dashboard, the confirmation text showed potentially confusing information during deletion. This has been resolved.

The grid layout Group Object now respects the default number of columns.

Certain dashboards will now correctly report the current display in the dropdown after drilling down from one display to another.

 RTView Cloud 1.28.0 - 16 April 2019

New Features

The displays on the Services and Alerts tab now include a blue star icon in the top right corner to add a favorite. The current filter selection is saved with the favorite.
To avoid confusion with the green and red icons used to indicate alert status on the services and alerts displays, the add favorite icon is always blue and does not change to a red Remove Favorite icon if a favorite is already defined for the current display and filter combination. Removing a favorite of the Service and Alerts displays is done through the Favorites tab.
For consistency, the Add Favorite link and icon that appears on the other tabs (Custom, Components, Dashboards) is now also blue, rather than green.

Additional assets should no longer load after clicking File > Save/Save As.

The Column Chooser Visible Columns list has been enhanced with two sorting buttons.
One button sorts by original order, ascending and descending.
The other button sorts alphabetically, ascending and descending.
Disabling either button restores the previous ordering.

We now show a warning message if you are using an unsupported browser.

We now have sample placeholder inputs on the Add RTView Server screen.


A problem has been fixed which prevented the checkbox control from setting a local variable's value to * (asterisk) if its current value was a boolean.

Favicon should now display correctly on all browsers.

Now text color should display correctly all the time, even during editing.

In Components Displays, all date columns in all tables were formatted as strings, which disabled all date-specific options in the filter menu. Now date-specific options are available in all Component Displays.

The alert count in the header of some displays has been fixed.

The Column Selector has been enhanced to be more intuitive when selecting columns.
Shift and Ctrl can be used to select one or many columns.
Clicking a single column deselects all others.
If the asterisk is in the selection range, only the asterisk is selected.
After moving columns between Available and Visible, they become deselected.

The Column Chooser scrollbars now scroll the Available Columns and Visible Columns lists instead of the entire overlay. The Add button and field are now always visible without scrolling.

An issue involving the width of text in the Wrapped Text object has been fixed.

About page now shows correct build date and version information.

File > Reload now does a whole reload of the display even if no changes are detected.

Problems with editing text in place have been fixed and spaces now show up correctly.

Local Dashboard Export has been enhanced to download all required assets to the local system to enable the dashboard to function without a connection to RTView Cloud or the internet.

Now Ack/Unack buttons in Alerts table enable/disable correctly

Common is no longer available from the packages list.

 RTView Cloud 1.27.1 - 02 April 2019

New Features


An issue was introduced that caused new favorites to have the wrong prefix, causing them to fail.
All new favorites created will now have the correct prefix.

 RTView Cloud 1.27.0 - 01 April 2019

New Features

The column selector interface has been enhanced to allow users to add custom columns. Custom columns have a gray background and can be deleted using the X icon. Custom columns are added to Visible Columns by default. Users can also type the name of an existing column to add that column to the Visible Column list.

We now indicate on the edit field that a view is no longer public with a red out line and an explanation below the screen.

Users can now right click and choose 'Edit in Designer' on any display in the left navigation panel of View > Custom.
A new browser tab will open with the display ready to be edited in RTDraw.


A problem has been fixed where reordering table columns in an advanced table's cache data attachment was not handled properly until the display was saved and reloaded.

Fixed an issue that caused some objects to jump around while being moved if refresh rate was low.

If the bullet bar object is attached to a cache history table, the bar and the label at the bottom center both now show the newest value. Previously the label showed the oldest history value, which was incorrect behavior.

We are now truncating long display names with an ellipsis on View -> Custom.

Improved the display import messages to handle extra long file names.

Fixed an issue which prevented connecting Images and Groups with links.

An issue with the Undo/Redo functions on text objects has been fixed.

An issue has been fixed that caused some inputs in the Column Properties modal to be too small in certain browsers.

The background color of each icon on the Services tree now indicates the alert impact value for the corresponding tree node. The alert impact values are in the range of 0 to 10, with green for 0 (no alert), orange for impact 5, and red for impact 10, with various shades of green, yellow, orange, and red for values in between.
The icon's shape continues to indicate the node's alert level/severity as follows: Exclamation mark in triangle for level 2, bell for level 1, check-mark for no alert.
The alert impact for a tree node is the max value of the alert impact of all its children. Same for alert severity. For service (leaf) nodes in the tree, the node's alert impact and severity are the max of its CI children.
On the services tab, the alert impact and level of the select node's children are shown in columns in the table in the main panel.
On the alerts tab, the alert level/severity is shown in the Sev column. The alert impact is not shown on the table.

Aligning columns in table should now work properly.

 RTView Cloud 1.26.1 - 21 March 2019

New Features


An issue in the Attach to Cache (Advanced) dialog which caused a crash has been fixed.

 RTView Cloud 1.26.0 - 19 March 2019

New Features

RTDraw now has the same favicon as the rest of the site.

Column Chooser is now available for Simple Cache attachment.

The user is able to see a list of imported files with their short description and status after the import is complete. For renamed files descriptions shows previous and new name.

The identification of Solace Message Routers has changed to Solace Brokers. Now Brokers replace Message Router across all displays and the menu options for standalone and Cloud versions.

User can now change the order of columns in the Column Selector screen by clicking and dragging.

Users now have the option to create a secure HTTPS URL when publishing dashboards. Existing dashboards can also be edited to switch between HTTP and HTTPS URLs.

The dashboard list now provides a means for quick deletion of a users dashboards.

Paging in the dashboard list has been replaced by a vertical scrollbar.

A checkbox has been added on the Publish tab to display only the dashboards belonging to the current user.

When you export a dashboard with the 'Get Displays Locally' option, we will now copy all assets into a local assets folder so that the views all load their assets from the local file system rather than the internet.

The Solace Syslog Events Table has been added. This display provides access to the Syslog Events that are collected on Syslog Servers from Solace Message Brokers. There are filtering capabilities to filter by Scope (SYSTEM, VPN, CLIENT), Syslog Severity (from Information to Emergency), and the Event Expiration state.


Fixed an issue that prevented users from logging into published dashboards.

The Connection Status indicator didn't always display its current status on launch of the Cache Tables dialog. This has been corrected.

The Cache Tables dialog had various bugs in the initial display of its data, which have been fixed.

Fixed an issue where the wrong fonts were being used if pages was cached and network was slow.

Fixed an issue with long variable names. They will now be truncated in the Local Variables overlay.

More keyboard shortcuts work correctly in RTDraw on Windows and Mac now.

Fixed an issue where some objects were changing a label value to 0 after manually typing a number in the field on the object itself.

A problem has been fixed that sometimes logged "invalid url" messages to the browser's javascript console when loading the first display into a dashboard or in View/Custom, even if the data servers used on the display all had valid URLs assigned.

The JVM Solution Package has been updated with two new displays to monitor arguments and garbage collection of a single process.

The nav tree on the Admin page was not un-highlighting. This has been fixed.

A problem has been fixed which caused the CMDB admin display to reload the favicon.ico image on each update cycle.

There is now a 'none' option in the data server authorization dropdown to allow users to remove authorization from a data server.

Edit Dashboard overlay now has the appropriate title.

Responsive dashboard Edit screen UI has been improved. Users can now sort their displays in any order they choose.

An error was fixed where the enabled flag of the Alert Admin table had wrong formatting in some cases.

Some images were not displaying when visiting the Free Trial page over HTTPS. This has been fixed.

The column chooser has been enhanced to improve performance when reordering items.

Dashboards exported with the Local option now have a functioning log in page.

The search field on the View tabs has been improved.

A character limit has been added for favorite group names, and the UI has been improved to handle long names.

 RTView Cloud 1.25.0 - 04 March 2019

New Features

The icons on the tree in the Services and Alerts tab have been changed to the following:
Alert (level 2): Red triangle with exclamation mark
Warning (level 1): Amber bell
Normal (level 0): Green circle
These icons and colors now match those used in the Alert Level column of the tabular displays, except that the tree uses a circle for normal while the tables use a check mark.

Added resizing to the Choose Columns overlay.

Added ""asterisk"" option in Column Chooser for selecting all columns in data attachment.

In CMDB Admin display, the table containing CIs to add to a service has been enhanced with a text pattern filter and new index columns.

When you export a dashboard with the 'Get Displays Locally' option, we will now copy all assets into a local assets folder so that the views all load their assets from the local file system rather than the internet.


Fixed an issue with adding columns through the Column Properties overlay triggered from Context Menu.

Fixed an issue where Undo and Redo operations were not always working with Simple Text objects.

Fixed an issue where certain navigation patterns in the Components tab would result in a bad URL.

Fixed an issue where lower level nav items were not using the full width of the nav panel.

Image/Group nodes are now selectable when nearly everything is disabled in Properties Sheet.

All dashboard publishing pages now reference "Displays" instead of "Views".

The inbound and outbound flow columns have been renamed to ingress and egress flows respectively.

After token expiration, application is now refreshing the token and retrying unsuccessful requests to avoid errors when attempting to open or save displays.

Some metric cards show numbers that can be large and exceed the bounds of the card. Numbers now are reduced as needed and suffix K, M, G, or T is added accordingly.

Fixed an issue where the Show Password box on the Edit Server dialog was not rendering correctly on some browsers.

An issue with List type dashboards showing title text in wrong location has been fixed.

Editing of the text in Simple Text objects has been improved.

 RTView Cloud 1.24.0 - 20 February 2019

New Features

The bind-requests metric has been removed from the SolClients cache and accordingly from the Solace Message Router Clients Table and Single Client Summary.

Alert Cards on overview pages now correctly drill down to the Alerts Table with the proper filters.

Colors in heatmaps have been updated to match standard styles.


The WebLogic Overview display had empty trend graphs when some optional caches were missing in the selected data server. This has been fixed.

Titles in all heatmaps have been moved to a separate line to prevent collision with the heatmap legend in smaller screens.

An error that appeared when the page was refreshed should no longer appear.

An issue that prevented the Variables overlay from closing has been fixed.

A Column Selector has been added to the Attach To Cache (Advanced) modal. Click the pencil icon next to the Column(s) dropdown to access the Column Selector. Users can add and remove a single column, multiple columns, or all columns from a table.

We now show the correct error message when using forbidden characters in variables.

When accessing a simple export of a private dashboard we now provide the user with a login page if the user has no session, and a loading screen while the dashboard is being fetched. If the user does not have access to the dashboard an appropriate error message is displayed.

Validation has been added to remove links connected to non-existent nodes when opening a file.

Fixed a layout error that happened when adding a component display as the source for an HTML object in RTDraw.

An issue with resizing odd shaped image assets has been fixed.

 RTView Cloud 1.23.1 - 05 February 2019

New Features

Host Solution Package has been developed for RTView Cloud.


Fixed an issue with the Components left nav entries not wrapping their text.

Fixed an issue where users were prevented from viewing shared dashboards in certain situations.

 RTView Cloud 1.23.0 - 04 February 2019

New Features

In the Components Overview page, the hover area that shows a tooltip has been expanded to include the entire cell on a card instead of just the icon in that cell.

In EMS Server Summary display, the drill down targets from the metric cards have been corrected.

We are now using the Bitly URL shortening service. All dashboards will have their URLs updated the next time they are loaded from the database, so if you go to the list of dashboards, the URL column in the table will now display Bitly URLs.
All google URLs will continue to work until they shutter that service.

All of the sidebar items in the custom, components, and dashboards sections will now behave based on the preferences set by the user in their preferences section.
By default, they will not behave as accordions so you can open/close all of them independently.
If you go to your preferences and enable accordion mode for those sections, they will only open one at a time.

Column order has been altered in EMS Server table to move important metrics to the left.

The search feature has been improved. We now expand any group that contains the search term and hide items that do not match the search term.

A new display has been added that shows queues and topics for a single EMS Server.

Scrolling has been improved across the whole app.

Displays have been added to TIBCO BusinessEvents and TIBCO BusinessWorks to bring RTView Cloud more in line with RTView EM.

In RTDraw, the Advanced Tables are now shown before the Simple Tables in the palette. This is to encourage users to select the advanced table over the simple table.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix and its associated Components Displays have been added to RTView Cloud.


A bug which caused the System Overview display to incorrectly show data servers as not connected has been fixed.

An error has been fixed where rows containing NaN values used to appear first in "Top 10" graphs.

Fixed an issue where the Redo shortcut was opening browser history on OSX.

Break between inputs will now look the same before and after opening modal.

Some unnecessary padding has been removed from certain types of exported dashboards.
Dashboards will now span the full 100% of the viewport instead of a maximum of 1640px.

Responsive dashboards have regained their vertical scroll bar.

Some error text had its grammar improved.

Fixed an issue where text was not respecting its alignment.

Fixed an issue where reverting a change and opening a new display left behind some artifacts.

Users are now prevented from sharing data servers with the same name as current data servers.

In the Components Overview display, cards no longer lose the name of the solution package on mouse over when multiple data servers exist.

 RTView Cloud 1.22.0 - 22 January 2019

New Features

File > Open will now highlight the currently opened display.

The key metrics displays are now on the Services tab: When viewing the group, service, or CI levels, the display dropdown list now includes an item to open the key metrics display.

Removing Data attachment now correctly results in cleared text on node.

Image preview in File -> Open has been removed.

Opening the Edit JSON modal appends /#/editJSON to the URL. Manually appending a URL to end in /#/editJSON will open the Edit JSON window for the current display in RTDraw.

Improved visibility of currently selected file in multiple dialog boxes.

The Solution Package IBM DB2 has been added to Component displays.

The Amazon EC2 Hosts Solution Package has been added to the Components tab.


In prior releases, RTDraw would become unresponsive if the Functions dialog was opened and the display contained a function whose Type was unrecognized. This has been fixed.

A small marker has been added to all trend lines in Component displays. The markers are usually obscured by the lines, so the change is not noticeable, except that now isolated points are visible.

A bug has been fixed where the RTView Historians table was displaying also other types of servers.

Fixed movement using arrow keys for Group objects and their contents.

 RTView Cloud 1.21.0 - 09 January 2019

New Features

Dashboard title bar has been altered to say "RTView®".

Fixed an issue where an extra 27 pixels were appearing at the bottom of published dashboards.

Opening a Display with an URL has been added. After using File > Open, the URL shown in the browser address bar can be used to open the display directly by pasting it into a new browser window.

Edit JSON window now correctly reports if display is in preview mode.

Default focus is now set on No or Cancel buttons in confirm dialog windows.

Link types order has been changed to Angled, Straight, Spline, Spline with straight arrows.

Default focus on Cancel button has been added for Unsaved Progress dialog.

We will now hide any rtvglobals displays included on a dashboard.

A button to delete selected rows has been added to Variables, Functions and Column Properties.

All General Objects are respecting display bounds while moving using mouse, keyboard, or inputs in Properties Sheet.

Dell Boomi component objects have been added to the IT Components palette in RTDraw.


After switching organizations, RTDraw will not attempt to load the last display that was opened in the previous org since it may not exist in the current org.

Unsaved changes asterisk now appears more consistently when editing functions.

Functions modal has a more appropriate name.

User can no longer copy and paste functions while in preview mode.

Functions dialog now displays the appropriate error message when function name has incorrect format or contains forbidden characters, depending on the situation.

Now links work correctly after changing Link type or Ports layout.

Centered the ""No recent files"" text to be more aesthetically pleasing.

Some labels in the properties sheet have had their margins adjusted to improve clarity.

Deleting a display that is a parent in a dashboard will no longer cause a graphical issue on the edit screen, and the children of the deleted parent will now be moved up to be top-level views.

Long display names on the Edit Dashboard screen are now truncated in a more graceful way.

The list of displays in a List type dashboard now scrolls properly, and displays with long names are truncated with an ellipsis. Hover text has also been added to the list of displays.

New users now get 'Admin' role by default in their private org.

Inconsistencies in terminology in the Create Dashboard process have been remedied.

 RTView Cloud 1.20.1 - 18 December 2018

New Features


Fixed issue where tabs and pills were not being displayed in dashboards.

A problem has been fixed with the GeneralText (aka Simple Text) object that caused it to ignore the Background = visible setting.

 RTView Cloud 1.20.0 - 10 December 2018

New Features

The Dell Boomi displays have been enhanced to account for the changes in the cache indexing and data structure. Three new displays to account for molecule health have also been included in the solution package.

Location of emMappings.json has changed.

The contents of a cell in an advanced table can now be copied to the clipboard by right-clicking on the cell and selecting Copy Cell Value from the context menu.
The value copied to the clipboard is the raw data value from the data attachment, which may differ from the displayed value if it is formatted or is mapped to an icon.

A click on a table row in the Service KM Table display will now open the display for the corresponding CI.
Similarly, a click on a heatmap cell in the Service KM History display will open the display for the corresponding CI.
In addition, the CI type + name is now displayed on each strip on the heatmap when the strip height is more than 8 pixels and the Labels toggle at the top of the display is checked.

The heatmaps across all Monitoring Solution Packages have been enhanced with index nesting. A check box to show the chosen nesting level enables this feature for each heatmap display.

A new Solution Package has been added to monitor Node.js servers.

Some new displays have been added to display the Alert Statistics of CMDB Services at different aggregation levels.

Some displays to manage RTView Historian, Data Servers, and Display Servers have been added to the JVM Solution Package.
There is currently a limitation on the RTView Historians Table display where it is not correctly reporting which historians are running or their relevant data. This will be addressed in a future release.

The user is now able to change the background color of a display.


White bar on the palettes menu is no longer present.

Asterisk no longer appears on load or reload of displays which have had no changes.

The overlapping of heatmap titles and legends has been fixed for the Oracle Coherence Cluster Caches and Nodes display.

User no longer has to click twice to go to RTDraw. The page is loaded on the first attempt.

Multiple issues with the Color Picker were fixed. It now does a better job of showing the correct color when switching between objects.

 RTView Cloud 1.19.0 - 27 November 2018

New Features

A display named "Service KM History" has been added to the Components tab.
The display uses a heatmap and is similar to the EM display named "Service KM History (Alt)". The heatmap contains one strip for each aggregated key metric CIs or, if the Expand Metrics box is checked, for each individual CI that matches the selected service filter. The strips are sorted alphabetically by the CI type and (if Expand Metrics is checked) name.
The heatmap does not scroll, instead it fits all the cells into the available space. For this reason there are no labels for the CI types and names on the y axis. The CI type and name are shown in the mouseover for each cell.
Cells have a gray background if there is no data for the corresponding time interval. Otherwise the cell color is determined by the CI's calculated threshold % for its time interval.
There may be a delay before data appears when the display is initially opened, or after selecting a different service filter. These delays are more pronounced if a service filter is chosen that selects many CIs across multiple data servers. If the selected service filter and time range result in a very large number of cells, the page may become unresponsive.

A progress indicator has been added when importing files in RTDraw to make the process more transparent. When import is complete, it will report how many files were imported and if any were skipped.


Fixed an issue where text was overlapping a button when viewing the site in Polish language.

The "Load" button in the File > Open dialog is now disabled when no file is selected.

The "Fix Aspect Ratio" option is now disabled anywhere that size options are disabled.

Fixed an issue where some fixed size objects were having their size changed when grouped with other resizable objects.

Fixed an issue where some objects could be moved outside the display bounds using the arrow keys.

A problem with the GroupBy function which sometimes caused it compute a sum for a column when it was configured to compute an average has been fixed.

Fixed an issue in the Functions dialog that caused the information icon to be pushed to a new line.

The "Export to Excel" operation on a table that shows icons in some columns will now show the actual data numeric or boolean values in the exported table, rather than html tags as in the previous release.
Also, a sort or filter on such a column will also be applied to the data values in the column rather than the html, producing the expected sort/filter result.

An appropriate error message will now appear if a user attempts to save a display using a file name containing a slash or backslash.

The hamburger icon on the left side now completely hides the palettes section.

 RTView Cloud 1.18.0 - 13 November 2018

New Features

Localization for dates and numbers has been added to the application.

Palettes translation support has been added.

The application has been translated to Polish.

An Export to Excel feature is now supported on the advanced table object. To export, right click on an advanced table and from the popup menu select Export > Current Page, or Export > All Pages. A file named Export.xlsx will be created and downloaded.
Note that a right click opens the menu but then a left click is required to select a menu item. Also, in rtdraw (Design) the display must be in preview mode in order to see the Export menu.
Limitations & known issues:
- unsupported on simple table
- font information(size, name, style) is not included in export
- some numeric formatting options (e.g. 1000s comma separator) are ignored in export
- images in cells are not exported
- a right click on the table's pagination control area will not open the export menu
- occasionally a right click on a table row will open the browser's context menu rather than the Export menu
- for some component displays, image cells are exported as html gibberish

A display named "Service KM Table" has been added.
There may be a delay of several seconds before data appears when the display is initially opened, or after selecting a different service filter. Also, some rows may have a gray background until data is received from the corresponding data server. These delays are more pronounced if a service filter is chosen that selects many CIs across multiple data servers.
The display is similar in functionality to the EM (classic) display with the same name (in the EM UI, located on Service Views > Key Metrics Views > Service KM Table). The displays differ as follows:
The classic display has checkboxes for "Expand Metrics" and "Include Detail Level Metrics". The cloud display always behaves as though both boxes are checked.
The classic display has several control objects to configure filters in addition to the dropdowns for picking the service filter. The cloud display supports additional filtering via the column menus on the table object.
The classic display has a column named Quality, the cloud display simply indicates bad quality (no data) with a %Threshhold value of -1.
The classic display shows 200 rows per page, the cloud display shows 40 rows per page and uses a different font and padding between the rows,
A double click on a row in the classic display drills down to a display for the selected CI. That is not yet supported in the cloud display, so clicking on a table row has no affect.
The logic for coloring the rows according to the Threshold% is the same in both displays:
green if < 20
yellow if >= 20 and < 50
orange if >= 50 and < 80
red if >= 80
or gray if bad quality / no data (threshold% <= 0)

The latest enhancements for the Dell Boomi displays have been implemented.

An Admin tab has been added for users that have the Admin role in their organization. This tab contains the Alert Administration, Alert Overrides Administration, and CMDB Administration pages. Users without the Admin role will not see the Admin tab.

Kafka components palette has been added to the application.

The Oracle Coherence displays related to cluster have been developed.


Text associated with "Resizable" checkbox in Options > Diagram is now gray when disabled.

Fixed a bug in the function popup when the name is very long.

Issue with overlapping text in Polish version has been resolved in Context Menu.

The alert BwServerCpuUsedHigh no longer throws an error when clicking the Go to CI button.

Diagram bounds are now respected when object is moved using arrow keys.

An error has been fixed that prevented Kafka Cluster alerts from pointing to the right summary display.

The CMDB Admin display has been added.

When Tabs or Pills type dashboards have too many displays to show on a single line and it wraps to a second line, the content of the displays is no longer pushed to the right.

Tabs and Pills type dashboards now display a number of pills or tabs based on the width of the browser when the dashboard is loaded. The calculation is based on a max tab/pill width of 200 pixels. If there are more displays than can be shown on a single line at the current resolution, a dropdown list of all displays will be shown instead.

The SL logo is now rendering correctly on exported dashboards.

Favorites are now deleted properly.

 RTView Cloud 1.17.0 - 29 October 2018

New Features

The Dell Boomi Solution Package has been added to RTView Cloud.

Added hover text for file names in Recent Files to help users distinguish between displays with long file names.

Added navigation using Tab in Options -> Diagram. The dialog elements are navigable using Tab and arrow keys.


An extra 15 pixel left margin has been removed from the advanced table's column menu and from the dropdown list control. This extra margin was an unwanted side effect of an unrelated styling change in a recent release.

The Health tab on the Services view is no longer blank. It now shows alert information for each CI in the selected service (similar to the data shown on the Table tab but with fewer details).

The Data Server Summary display has been added. It shows connection status and caches served.

The RTView Data Servers display has been added. It shows a table with all data server connections to the Central Server.

All instances of Component data attachment now have a single choice for Filter Values.

Scale property has been removed for all objects excluding General Objects.

Simple Text Object now adjusts size correctly during typing.

 RTView Cloud 1.16.0 - 16 October 2018

New Features

A component display named System Overview has been added to RTView Cloud.
This new display shows the same information as the Admin > Architecture > System Overview display in EM, but with the data servers shown in a table rather than in an object grid. The display contains cards for the organization's Config Server and Alert Server, with further details and descriptions shown via mouseover text. For all servers, the Connected status is shown as a green check icon if data was recently received from the server, or a white X in a red circle otherwise.

A function named sql.query has been added. It can be used to make an SQL query on a data server, via the RTView SQL data source. See the help text on the function for more information.

TIBCO Hawk component pages have been added.

The EM CI Type Definitions display has been added

The EM CI Stats display has been added.

The cache viewer display has been added.

The Oracle DB Component displays have been developed for RTView Cloud.

The MS SQL Monitor has been developed for Cloud.


A bug in the sql.query function has been fixed which sometimes delayed the results of the very first SQL query issued after loading RTView Cloud.

Text "Select variables from below" does not appear in Options -> Variables.

 RTView Cloud 1.15.0 - 10 October 2018

New Features

A page to show all Key Metric Definitions has been added.

In the advanced table, when the user pages forward by one page the scrollbar will automatically move to the top of the next page. Also, when the user pages back by one page the scrollbar will automatically move to the bottom of the previous page. When moving by more than one page, the scrollbar position will not change automatically.

A function named createSelectorList has been added. It returns a two column table to be used to populate a dropdown list, where the first column contains unique labels and the second column contains the corresponding value for each label. See the tooltip text in Design (rtdraw) for more details.

Preliminary update to add framework for future roles for users within an organization.

User is now capable of copying functions between displays.


A bug has been fixed which caused the Components nav tree to reload continuously in an organization with one or more packages selected, but no data servers defined.

Save is behaving correctly when the user has an incorrect display name.

Go to line feature in Edit JSON works correctly now.

Naming of the font ""Palatino"" has been corrected.

References of a function are correctly changed in other functions and nodes.

The width of the username/org textbox is now 180px (up from 150px). If you hover over the text, it will show the full name.

On tablet+ sized screens, we now fix the subheader to allow it to scroll with the user. On any smaller screens, we leave it as part of the page so the user does not have to scroll more to see stuff on the page.

We now export the dataservers for the org into a displays/config/dataservers.json file on export.

A bug has been fixed which caused some Component displays to lose filter selections when navigating back to a previous display via the browser's Back button.

Go to CI button and Alert Detail button are now disabled when multiple rows are selected on Component Alert table.

Components overview displays for each section now scroll appropriately.

 RTView Cloud 1.14.0 - 18 September 2018

New Features

The html produced by the export feature now recognizes the tree layout.

We now show the organization in the dropdown when the user is in a single org.

The navigation items for Solace Neighbors Diagram and Solace Bridges Diagram have been changed to include its release state, Alpha.

Open Sans semi-bold has bold style enabled by default

Default position of label for Wrapped Text is changed to far left, outside the object.

Now, when linking an object to an image that is larger than the display, user is asked if they want to use the size of the image or the size of the object.

Alert configuration displays have been created to manage the parameters of alerts (warning threshold, alarm threshold, duration, enabled), and to override these parameters for specific index values.

The "Attach to Cache (Advanced)" dialog in Design now supports a Query Interval property. This can be used to specify an interval other the default (10 seconds) on objects where a shorter (faster) or longer (slower) interval is appropriate. An interval of "Once" can also be selected, for cache queries which only need to be performed when the display is opened or when a variable that affects the attachment is changed by the user.
Query intervals of 2 seconds or less should be used sparingly as they may adversely impact performance.


The correct images now appear on nodes in solmon diagrams.

When user has unknown index column defined in IT Component it will no longer raise an error in console

Regression is fixed and colorful bars on IT Components are working correctly

We now hide the weird checkered sortable background when no views are selected.

Dashboards now show the parent tab as a light gray when the child is selected and a dark navy blue on the tab that is selected. So the active tab will always be navy, and the parent will always be gray.
In addition, in the list type, if you click a child, the nav will adjust to show the list of children along with the one you selected.

A bug has been fixed that sometimes caused data servers from organization A to still be used to update the Component displays after the user switched from org A to org B.

The services area is now scrollable.

Fixed issue when drilldown was activated and later Cancel was clicked in Popup.

Zoom to fit now tries to show all objects in display instead of showing whole display at once

 RTView Cloud 1.13.0 - 09 September 2018

New Features

File -> New is now correctly closing after option is selected.

Selecting data attachments from keyboard is now allowed.

Editing the text of a general object is no longer allowed while data is attached

Space Evenly option now respects edge objects when calculating the space between objects.

All dashboard types except responsive now support tree structures that allow users to nest dashboards within other dashboards for a tree view.


A problem that prevented the Solace Neighbors Diagram and Bridges Diagram from rendering in Firefox and MS Edge browsers has been fixed.

When user has fresh session it correctly shows first palette.

Context Menu now closes when user clicks outside of menu.

TIBCO components are working correctly for all sizes

Snapping to grid now correctly toggles with CTRL button, even if an object is currently being resized.

 RTView Cloud 1.12.0 - 21 August 2018

New Features

All duplicate keys in JSON file are now removed during load.

Set Default Settings now correctly resets all settings including Diagram settings.

From now, when user uploads a file for import it shows a message once it is completed.
It also will show an error when there are no files to import.

Support for history columns in Trend Chart has been added.

When a user navigates to View/Components for the first time in a new browser tab, the Overview display will be opened automatically.

Top 10 widget now supports drilling down to different places for different metrics.

The initial MongoDB Monitor has been implemented. It contains displays about the health state of Instances, Databases and Collections and a main overview about the overall state of the MongoDB system.

Several improvements to the Kafka Monitor have been implemented including the order of the navigation and changes in the Overview, Cluster Performance, and Broker Summary displays.
The trend graph now uses a darker yellow on many displays, and Traffic Volume is now the first tab in the overview.
The Broker summary display metric cards are now limited to two decimal places.
The sizes of the bar graph in the Cluster Performance display have been updated to accommodate broker names of 10 characters. Acronyms have also been added to improve readability on mobile devices.

The physical memory used percentage and the subscription memory used percentage have been added to the history table of the SolAppliance, cache. These metrics are shown in the Message Router Summary display in the fourth metric card and unter the trend tab titled ""Memory"".

The top 10 bar graph of the Kafka main overview display has been enhanced to account for drilling down to summary displays belonging to different CI Types.

New variant of Open Sans has been added: Open Sans Semi-Bold.

You can now click on 'My Views' under custom and 'My Dashboards' under dashboards and it will take you to those pages with the appropriate group expanded.

When attaching a trend chart to a cache, the Columns dropdown list will now show only *, the time_stamp column, and the data columns that are stored in the cache's history table. Previously it showed all data columns some of which were not available in the history table and hence could not be plotted.


Reload button now restores deleted objects correctly.

When user tries to select value in View -> Grid it is no longer shows unexpected values.

A problem has been fixed where, after switching from organization A to B, the View/Components/Overview display would sometimes show packages and data from A.

Extern objects are now correctly centered on when pressing space bar.

Now the Components Alert Table supports multiple row selection.

Order of metrics has been changed to show first the partial count, and second the total count, when applicable.
Layout of elements inside overview cards has been improved
On mouseover, overview card is replaced with a table of all available data servers, but only when there are multiple data servers.

When a user navigates to View/Components for the first time in a new browser tab, the Overview display will be opened automatically. On subsequent visits to View/Components in that same browser tab, the previously viewed component display is restored.

A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused the same comment text to be added multiple times to the same alert when using the Comment feature on the services alerts table.

On mobile devices you can now click on the headers to bring up their views directly on components.

Typo in validation message in Save As has been corrected.

A problem which caused some metric cards to ignore the border visibility property and draw two borders has been fixed.

The favorites feature is now enhanced to look at the owner of the display when it is created and saved. This will only affect new favorites unfortunately as we cannot modify the existing ones.

The nav bar has now been corrected to rely on the refresh token when the token expires instead of disappearing.

Fixed an issue with sharing a display after drilldown.

When a user tries to access a deleted dashboard, we now show an error that says ""You do not have access to this dashboard."" This is a general error we show when users cannot access a dashboard such as if it is not public or if it is deleted.

User is now unable to change any values while preview mode is enabled in:
Options -> Diagram
Options -> Functions
Options -> Variables
Set default settings
Layout menu

Fixed a problem with functions being lost when switching data attachments.

Multiple asset upload is no longer confused by an asset with a name that matches an existing asset.

 RTView Cloud 1.11.0 - 08 August 2018

New Features

The All Applications Table display has been enhanced to include information about JSP, Servlet, and Session metrics aggregated at the Application level (summing up the data from modules and servlets per application).

When registering, the 'company' field is now required.

Users will now see a warning message if they do not have config servers or packages in their organization

The Component Alerts Table has been improved to add commands to manage the alerts.

The following enhancements have been made to the Alert tab:
- added date & time label
- added DATA object to indicate status of data connection to alert server
- added Own button to set Owner of selected alerts to current cloud username
- Owner column is set to current username when selected alerts are Ack'd (via Ack button)
- Comment button now opens dialog to add a comment or clear comments on selected alerts
- added Ack'd dropdown to filter alert table on Ack = true, false, or all(*)
- added Cleared dropdown to filter alert table on Clr = true, false, or all(*)

The View/Alerts tab has been enhanced to show alerts in an organization that has no alert server. Previously the table on the Alerts tab was always empty in such an org. Now a dropdown list labelled ""Data Server:"" appears in the top right corner and contains the names of the data servers in the org. The table shows the alerts from the selected data server.
Without an alert server, the services tree, which normally appears in a left panel on the Alerts tab, will not be visible since an alert server is required to populate it.

User is prevented from creating duplicate keys in Edit JSON.

A display to show alert details has been added

Two new automated topology views for CSPF Neighbors and Bridges have been added to the RTView Solace Monitor.
The first display allow users to see the topology view of their CSPF Neighbor Message Routers, showing which Servers are active and which Message Routers connected to each other.
The second display allow users to see the topology view of their Bridges, showing the bridge connectivity as arrows between VPNs from the same or different Message Routers.

New option in File menu has been added. It allows the user to share or un-share multiple displays at once.


The packages Overview display (opened via View/Components/Overview) will now show only the packages that are selected for the current user.

A bug has been fixed which caused empty columns to appear in a table if it was attached to cache data and extra semicolons appeared in the Columns list

Each card in the overview display shows totals across multiple displays. Now on mouseover, the user can choose from a list the dataserver to drill down to.

All email verification emails have been updated to remove the SL logo and the verify button image. The verify button is now a styled link.

Fixed bug where main nav disappears when switching orgs.

Changing of image size has been disabled for objects other than Image.

Sizing of external font has been improved.

Error screen when user has stale session has been added. This task also adds loading screen when other ""parts"" of app are loaded.

 RTView Cloud 1.10.0 - 23 July 2018

New Features

First metric cards in Kafka Broker Summary display have been replaced by Inbound Msgs/s, Inbound Bytes/s, and Outbound Bytes/s

The Kafka Brokers tabular display has been enhanced with sorting by Cluster and Broker name.

The Kafka Single Broker Summary trend graph default tab has been changed from Partitions to Throughput.

"Add Demo Server" has been renamed to "Add RTView Demo Server" on the button and on the title of the modal that appears when the button is clicked.

New option to import as public has been added.

A Component Health Summary display has been added to RTView Cloud to provide a central health summary for all solution packages used by the user.

The table on the Alerts tab can now be filtered using the services tree in the left panel.
You can set the filter value for a level in the tree by clicking on an unselected tree item at that level. Conversely, you can clear the filter for the level by clicking on the selected item at that level to deselect it. That is, the CmdbFilter always matches the tree selection.
Five new columns (CmdbEnv, CmdbOwner, CmdbArea, CmdbGroup, CmdbService) are now shown in the table. These correspond to the 5 levels of the services tree.
Also, two labels have been added to the top of the Alerts tab to show the (filtered) Alert Count, and the Cmdb Filter values as picked from the tree.


Fixed issue with scrolling the nav on Custom/Components on Android mobile devices

 RTView Cloud 1.9.1 - 12 July 2018

New Features


Fixed an issue with updating views in dashboards during edit.

 RTView Cloud 1.9.0 - 11 July 2018

New Features

To improve ease of location of metrics in the tabular displays of the RTView Solace Monitor, these displays have been enhanced to show a limited set of metrics by default. If the user needs the full set of metrics in the tables, a toggle element in the form of the hyperlink is present. This feature will improve usability and assist users on toggling between tables showing all available metrics for the corresponding monitoring item or a limited set of the most outstanding metrics.

If a drilldown is performed from a custom display to a component (SP) display, the following features will now work after the drilldown:
1) A click on the browser's Back button navigates back to the custom display.
2) Drilldowns from the component display to other component displays work as expected.
Limitations: After a drilldown from a custom display to an component display, the next click of the browser's Back will always navigate back to the custom display, even if the user navigates to other component displays after the drilldown. Also, after clicking the Back button to return to the custom display, the browser's Next (Forward) button will not return to the SP display. In other words, the component displays are not recorded in the browser history when they are viewed on the Custom tab.

Background of General Objects is now transparent when background is turned off.

The MQ Solution Package has been added as a new Component to RTView Cloud.

The WebSphere displays for servers and applications have been incorporated into RTView Cloud Components.

The browser history back/next buttons now work in the Custom tab. The values of local & global variables are recorded in the browser history and are restored when traversing browser history.
Limitations: The history does not distinguish between names that differ in case only. So if user Joe navigates to displays he owns named XYZ and Xyz, the history will record both as joe/xyz and its not certain which one will be opened when traversing to that history entry.

We are now charging sales tax in the states of TX, CA, and PA. The tax will be collected on each charge and displayed to the user on checkout as well as when they view their subscription payments.

The Docker displays for engines and containers have been incorporated to the RTView Cloud Components section.


A bug introduced in Cloud 1.7 has been fixed which caused the advanced table to ignore changes made to its cache data attachment, until the display was saved and reloaded.

No longer showing an error if you try to update your dashboard.

A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused RTView Cloud to use the data server list from the previously selected organization after the user selected a different org.

Solution Packages no longer have an empty name when they are first added.

Dashboards exported from staging, sandbox, or production will now link to assets from those environments

We now set the email verified flag to true on the user's first login if they have verified their email in auth0.

A problem has been fixed which caused a login dialog to appear when a user navigated to RTView Cloud if a secure data server was defined in the organization, even if the server's credentials were configured correctly.

Display names consisting of dots and spaces are forbidden without any additional alphanumeric characters.

Detach is working correctly for function arguments.

Now, Public checkbox state is saved in user settings and available between page reloads.

Functions are replaced correctly when editing JSON.

Typo in column format has been fixed.

Updated the CORS configuration on the AWS buckets in order to fix a chronic problem involving disappearing assets.

 RTView Cloud 1.8.0 - 27 June 2018

New Features

We now allow the user to specify 'shared' when creating a new dataserver by clicking the radio button.

Holding down the CTRL key while moving resize handles will now snap to grid.

The dropdown and combo controls now support a variable named "wildcard". If its value is set to a string (e.g. "ALL") it appears as the first item in the dropdown list, and when that item is selected the varToSet variable is set to *. By default, wildcard is not set.

Dashboard names are now displayed in the title bar.

The title of the app now says 'RTView® Cloud' until the dashboard loads. Once the dashboard loads, we append the name of the dashboard to the title as well.

There is now a company field for when users signup to allow them to add their company name to their account. This will set the company__c field on the RtviewCloudUser object in salesforce.

Updated wording on components page if no packages were selected.

An initial set of VMWare displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.

An initial set of TIBCO FTL displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.

An initial set of TIBCO BusinessEvents displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.

An initial set of TIBCO Active Spaces displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.

An initial set of JVM and Tomcat displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.

An initial set of MySQL displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.

An initial set of JBoss displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.

An initial set of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks displays have been added to the Components section of RTView Cloud.


We now set a max height on the modal to be 85% of the height of the screen.

Drill downs from metric cards in FTL Server and Client Summaries have been added.

Drill downs of metric cards in MySQL main overview and Instance Summary have been added.

Drill downs to metric cards for the JBoss main overview display have been added.

A problem that affected the performance of the trend chart when the Strip Chart option was selected has been fixed.

Moving selection between control objects no longer generates a 403 Forbidden error in the console.

Resize points are no longer visible in Preview mode for certain objects.

Columns field is no longer blank in a newly-instanced Group (Grid Layout) object.

Fixed an issue were some object preview images were not rendering in Views.

Fixed an issue preventing users from opening the context menu when certain groups were unselected.

Layout issues on phone/ipad should now be fixed. We don't show the marketing content on smaller displays since the content is stored as an image and doesn't scale correctly.

We now are showing the full width of pages when the sidebar is hidden on Components, Services, and Alerts

Asset browser is now refreshed after a folder delete.

The drill down to the All Brokers Table in the first metric card of the Kafka Overview display has been added.

On both custom and dashboards, the user filter now excludes users from navigation that are not selected, if at least one user is selected. Clearing all selections will display all users. In addition, clicking a user to expand/contract does not affect other users.

We now show 'You do not have access to this dashboard' If you login with an account from another org.

Visiting the unique URL for a dashboard will no longer erroneously show the main log in page for RTView Cloud.

The subscribe button in the title bar is now the correct color and the height of the buttons in the subscribe modal are corrected.

 RTView Cloud 1.7.2 - 13 June 2018

New Features


We will now fallback to finding the tab without owner information if it is not set in the event.

 RTView Cloud 1.7.1 - 07 June 2018

New Features


Fixed a bug involving the poxy server multiquery where objects could not be attached to data.

 RTView Cloud 1.7.0 - 05 June 2018

New Features

A new type of group layout called ""Flow"" has been added.

Objects are crisp now!

Changed text for 'Get Help' to 'Support Resources'.

Closed/Open states of the properties sheet are now saved in user settings.

Visibility checkbox in Properties Sheet no longer closes the whole group.

Snap to grid is now enabled by default and size is set to 10.

Copy / Paste operations will now also include selected variables for the object in question.


A problem has been fixed which caused the value text in a metric card to briefly appear in the wrong position at display callup.

Wide responsive dashboards now have a vertical scrollbar when published.

Opening the variables dialog no longer counts as editing the display.

A problem has been fixed where if an advanced table with a cache attachment had multiple filter values, and any of the filter values contained a space character, the query failed and the attachment returned an empty table.

A problem has been fixed in which a drilldown variable could not be set to the value of another variable in custom views.

Images are no longer failing to render.

Attaching data to Simple Text objects now correctly attaches to the label property.

Paged tables that have their row count reduced enough to make the current page cease to exist will send the user to the first page of the table instead of stranding them in limbo.

Groups with layout support margin now.

The sidebar is now a fixed 300 pixel width on all screen resolutions down to the phone size where it disappears.

Application no longer fails when long file name is passed.

 RTView Cloud 1.6.2 - 29 May 2018

New Features


Fixed a bug in Custom Views where shared displays using the same name would always show the current user's display.

 RTView Cloud 1.6.1 - 24 May 2018

New Features


Dashboards will no longer find private subdisplays not owned by the dashboard creator.

Dashboards that contain views that have been deleted will now appropriately show the owner when viewed through the dashboard list and allow editing.

 RTView Cloud 1.6.0 - 21 May 2018

New Features

If a subscription plan now has a $0 amount, the user will see a popup with a form to submit their information for a custom quote. This is different from other plans in that they will be able to directly submit their information for those plans and have their cc charged for their subscriptions.

When user is deleting current display it now correctly destroys currently opened one.

Added 'Log Scale' and 'Auto Scale"" to some heatmaps.

The Time Settings buttons of trend graphs show now the time range currently selected.


Context Menu now closes correctly when detaching data.

Resize points are now visible on images only in Edit Mode.

Attempts to access /rtview endpoints without a valid session will now be blocked and the user will be sent back to the login page.

The behavior to expand/contract the user's views is now such that you can contract the list by clicking on the username directly rather than having to click on another user.

Logging out of a separate tab will now cause your current tab to log out and send you back to the login page.

Fixed rendering issues with laptop and tablet screens that are rendering large dashboards. Users can now hide the sidebar and have the full screen to view the dashboard.

Users can now correctly switch to an org that has a long expiration time remaining.

Character limit for display name in Drilldown has been added.

A styling change was made to allow table data to show the '...' elipsis when the data is longer than the given table column container.

 RTView Cloud 1.5.1 - 11 May 2018

New Features



Fixed a bug with sparklines flipping to different sources when there were multiple in a display.

Fixed a problem with recently uploaded assets becoming suddenly unavailable in displays where they are used.

Fixed a problem in Pills style dashboards, where the order of the display stacking was not being honored.

 RTView Cloud 1.5.0 - 8 May 2018

New Features

The default value for the target of a drilldown is now "Current". In addition, while the target is "Current", it will not be included in the JSON.

Users will no longer be able to edit the JSON of a display while in preview mode.

When drilldown source is set to the current display, the username field will be disabled.

In the rtview Data tab, a token can now be configured for connection to rtvquery servlets that require a security token in a request's authorization header.

In the rtview Data tab, a username and password can now be configured for connection to rtvquery servlets that require a login using basic authentication.

The Metric Objects/Indicators palette now contains a flat style version of each of the LED style indicators.

Loading multiple Subdisplay instances in a single display has been optimized.


Align options were broken and threw errors in the console when used. They are now working correctly.

Move to Front and Move to Back options are disabled when only one object is present on display.

Clipboard options such as Cut, Copy, and Paste are now correctly grouped together in menus.

A bug has been fixed that prevented a drilldown from setting global variables in some cases if the drilldown display defined no variables of its own.

The step line chart has been modified so that the fill state can be changed by simply toggling the Filled checkbox in the property sheet.

Users are now fully logged out when selecting the Log Out option.

When changing the name of a function, the user will now have the option to update all references to that function as well.

Using the zoom function no longer invalidates JSON rules.

 RTView Cloud 1.4.0 - 23 April 2018


Previously, when creating local variables, a variable could be lost if the user did not click the Add button after entering the variable name and hit Apply. Now, when user enters a new variabile name into the Add field, the Apply button will be grayed out until they Add or remove the variable name.

When instancing an image, the property called ""use image size"" is now on by default.

If all the traces using the same y axis of a trend chart are hidden (by clicking on the trace's legend items) the y axis is hidden too, and the remaining visible traces expand to use the vertical space made available.


A problem has been fixed that sometimes caused a delay before data appeared on displays viewed in the Custom tab.

If a display named X contains a subdisplay object with Source = X, the subdisplay will now show a string ""Error: subdisplay name is same as parent display, x.json"". Previously an infinite loop occurred.

Navigation bar text layout is no longer a few pixels too low.

Context Menu for Subdisplays now includes Edit option for Variables even if there are no variables yet, so that it is possible to paste variable(s) onto any subdisplay object.

To Front/To Back menus are closing correctly now.

Spline links now have smaller straight area.

Preview is no longer displayed while dragging.

For new displays with Groups and Grid layout, an asterix will no longer show next to the name of the display after opening.

 RTView Cloud 1.3.0 - 9 April 2018


It is now possible to copy/paste the contents of the label field.

Add+ button is now disabled when value for name is incorrect.

New fonts are available in Properties Sheet: Muli, Open Sans, Raleway

Editing the name of an existing variable in Options -> Variables is now possible.

Images have border options now.


In prior releases, if a subdisplay object was configured in rtdraw with Source = $x and the variable named x was assigned to a number, an exception was thrown and rtdraw crashed. This is fixed.

There is no longer a problem with object blinking when dragging multiple objects during data update.

In prior releases, after switching organizations while In View mode the active tab (Services, Custom, Components, etc) would sometimes show information from the previously selected organization. To avoid those problems the Home tab is now automatically selected after picking an organization from the 'Switch Organization' dropdown menu,

Selection and deselection is now easier in RTDraw.

Filter column should work now for any data type (numbers/booleans/strings).

imgSrc field should no longer appear in output JSON while attaching to data.

 RTView Cloud 1.2.0 - 26 March 2018


The "Add Server" button on the RTData tab, and the "Add Data Server" button in the subsequent dialog, are now both "Add RTView Server"

The values of global and local variables used on Components displays are now stored in browser history. Those values are restored when you traverse the browser history. Variable values are typically changed on a display by selecting an item from a dropdown list, clicking a checkbox, etc.

A new history entry is created when you open a different component display. This is also when the "breadcrumb" path (e.g. Processes / JVM Processes / JVMs / JVM Summary) shown at the top of the display is updated. If you change local or global variables on the current display, the current history entry is updated with the new values.

There are some display operations that don't set variables, but instead just make temporary changes to UI objects. These are not recorded in history. Examples are: scrollbar position, chart zoom level, and column sort, filter, and resize on tables. Those items will revert to their initial state during history traversal.

RTDraw no longer makes unnecessary requests to the server for the file list.

Solution Package list is now sorted secondarily by Name, regardless of the primary sorting column.

Dashboard list is now sorted secondarily by name regardless of what the primary sorting column is.


Labels of General Objects no longer have problems being attached to data.

Unnecessary imgSrc is no longer output in JSON.

When attaching to data, the Ok/Apply buttons are now disabled until all necessary fields are filled in.

Chart objects are no longer invisible on iPad after moving them onto a diagram.

Tick which indicates attached data no longer draws over ""Cache (Advanced)"" in attach to data drop-down.

A bug has been fixed which sometimes caused the alert server and data servers defined in organization A to still be in effect after the user switched to organization B.

The api now uses logic to match the username from the client so that you get the view you requested now.

Previously there were problems logging in when accessing a shared (not public) dashboard. This has been fixed.

A problem has been fixed which prevent control objects from rendering on displays in an org that had zero data servers defined.

Previously it was possible to lose an unsaved display if you left it open for a long period of time. This has been fixed.

 RTView Cloud 1.1.0 - 12 March 2018


It is now possible to:

Delete groups of Favorited pages instead of deleting them one at a time.
Delete favorites from the Favorites tab without first visiting the favorited page.

Users can now reset an overridden variable back to the default value.

When configuring any type of chart or the advanced table in rtdraw, the "Border" item now appears in the property sheet. As with most properties on those objects, the object must first be attached to data to see the effect.

The Border property is not yet available on the simple table object.

Variables with names that begin with an underscore are now supported.

Hint in variables was changed to:

You have 7 local variable(s) available

instead of:
You have 7 variable(s) available

When an advanced table is instanced from the RTDraw palette it will have the following Border properties:

Visibility : true
Width: 1
Radius: 0
Color: #cccccc (light gray)

This change only applies to the advanced table. The simple table does not support the Border property.

Bug Fixes

Moving the Add Packages dialog by clicking and dragging on the header bar no longer causes the content to separate from the frame

The Save As dialog will now have the cursor at the end not the beginning of the text entry.

Previously the Additional Properties dialog of the Advanced Tables objects experienced unexpected resize issues. This has been fixed.

In the popup “File already exists” there should now be a visible checkbox “Apply for next … items”

Correct a bug where the modal dialog for adding a function expanded when the name validation messages occured.

A bug has been fixed which prevented global variables from being set during a drilldown to another display.

Extra wide dashboards of type List or Response now have horizontal scrollbars on public facing

Errors in IE when the drilldown name overflows the text entry field have been fixed.

A bug has been fixed which prevented some control objects from rendering in dashboards and custom views.

The following bug has been fixed:

When a responsible dashboard includes a wide display is viewed in the View > Dashboards section, the left navigation area will be skinnier than normal and the favorites button will be pushed off screen.

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